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The Anatomy of a Photograph 

Reflecting on four decades of photography, including all analog formats, Melvin Sokolsky will share his transition into the world of digital photography. The workshops will take place at Smashbox Studios in Los Angeles. The workshop will explore all aspects of digital imaging from the initial idea, to include lighting, workflow, retouching, printing, and pre-press presentation. The date will be posted within the next few weeks.  

Melvin will assemble his team of world-class technicians, fashion stylists, hair and makeup artists, in a detailed step by step protocol on an actual shoot; explaining every phase of thinking and technical expertise that goes into a Sokolsky shoot.  

Melvin will share in depth, his lighting techniques; explaining how he uses lighting in unorthodox ways to create a personal palette that unmistakably reflects his imagination and signature. The lighting team that Melvin has assembled from both the worlds of stills and motion pictures will explore the differences between strobe and incandescent lighting; revealing how the blends of unorthodox lighting can create a personal palette. 

The final pictures promise to be timeless examples of a memorable shoot that celebrates the contribution of the talent in front of the camera and the team that made it possible.  

The key technitions will be our guest speakers. All of these men and women, in each category, have been responsible for many major motion pictures and editorial spreads that have garnered Academy Award nominations and Clio recognition. Melvin believes the workshop will be a first of its kind and will be a lasting and memorable experience. 

The workshop will be limited to 15 participants who in the course of three days will share and exchange with Melvin in both group situations and individually. All of the workshop members will receive an in depth chronicle of the shoot in the form of a DVD.  

The workshop will provide two models, printers, monitors, color management tools, including world-class Color Management and Photoshop experts. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served.  

The workshop members are required to bring their laptops, digital cameras, (power supply and battery) flashcards and a mouse.  

Because the class is only three days, in order properly address each of the participants needs; portfolio reviews will take place privately at a time that works for both Melvin and the workshop member.